Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Training For You as an Individual

The Domestic Violence Training will provide an individual with sufficient knowledge on the signs of abuse, on the manner in which cultural, traditional, and religious factors, influence the practice of this social evil. You will be able to recognize victims and abusers by their behavior and demeanor. If you are a victim, or a former victim of Domestic Violence, this training will provide you with critical information on how to leave the situation of abuse, build a support system, seek community resources, i.e. counseling and therapy, as well as assistance in legal, housing, employment, and financial issues.

As a critical element of a holistic rehabilitative continuum, Genesis Life Management, strongly recommends you take our dynamic, and well designed curriculum on Life and Parenting Skills Training. Through this training you will be empowered with knowledge and tools, to take back ownership of your life. You will learn how to strengthen your self-esteem, and become the special person that you are, endowed with unique gifts and talents to behold and to share. This program will allow you to break the cycle of violence, which if unabated can be passed on from generation to generation. The curriculum also includes Conflict Resolution, Anger Management, Employability Skills, Communication, Money Management, and others.

Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Awareness Training
How to Arrange for a Training Conference
Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Training For your Organization
Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Training For You as an Individual
Correlation Between Victims of Domestic Violence & Incarcerated Persons over a Long Period of Time