Life and Parenting Skills Training Program

Genesis Life Management has designed a Life and Parenting Skills Training Program to address critical areas in the lives of adults and children. This Training Program started in Miami-Dade and Broward County in the State of Florida in 1995, training professionals in the health, educational, social services, correctional, law enforcement, and in the Faith Community.

The main purpose of our program is to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools, to effectively take ownership of their lives with a renewed sense of optimism, resolve and purpose, recognizing at the same time that each person is special, with unique talents to behold and to share.

The program includes:

To build in a person a sense of awareness of how special and unique they are through attitude, confidence, self-esteem, perseverance, and assertiveness.

Conflict Resolution
To treat differences as opportunities to grow, and to learn. We provide tools to negotiate and compromise by reinforcing dialogue, fairness, and accountability.

To enhance and foster communication skills between parent and child through patience, trust, and respect.

Anger Management
To identify the causes and types of anger. To stress accountability, and how to manage anger through effective tools.

Stress Reduction
To identify the causes and consequences of stress, and the tools to control it.

To provide easy to follow self-cure techniques to stop any addiction.

Employability Skills
To prepare, outline, and expose basic principles, and guidelines to seek and secure employment.

Money Management
To address attitudes about money and expenses, and to teach basis principles of budgeting; saving; banking; credit; consuming; contracts; taxes, and giving.

Parenting at a Distance
To equip men and women in prison, and the parent at home, to effectively parent their children during the incarceration period.

To accept responsibility for own actions.  To learn that every choice has a consequence, thus controlling our emotions before making a choice.

To identify and go through the process of denial, anger, depression, and acceptance.

Life and Parenting Skills Training Program
Life Skills Training For School Children and Youth
Bullying in Schools
Outline of Life and Parenting Skills Training Program